Lens Flare

Part One | Part Two | Part Three and Epilogue

Click here to download the entire story in Portable Document Format.



Written December 2004 - January 2005. The rough draft of this was entirely composed on typewriter, which was an experience to say the least. I think it helped my writing, too, because by the time I'd rewritten everything for the computer, the extra draft made a huge improvement in the result. I love my little old Smith Corona Electra 120, and I plan on using it in the future... So long as I can keep finding ribbon for it, that is.

As for the story itself, Lens Flare is a lighthearted comedy that's fast and fun and simple. It doesn't pretend to be a Pulitzer winner, but as long as it makes you smile, I'm happy. And if you've read my other works and have laughed at the comedies before, chances are you'll like this one, too.